These Habits Will Hurt Your Back

Believe it or not, back pain is one of the most common complaints that doctors hear, potentially only second to the common cold. When you hurt your back, finding relief can be difficult. Back pain is also a common cause of hospitalization and surgery.

In fact, 84% of people complain of lower back pain at some point in their lives. Many report that it interferes with their life, making their daily routine more difficult to complete. Respondents to several studies suggest that lower back pain also interferes with sleep.

The Illinois Back Institute explains more about the worst habits to avoid to prevent further back issues.

The Worst Back Habits That Can Cause Your Pain

Back pain, and more specifically, lower back pain, has a variety of different causes. For example, Todd Sinett, a chiropractor and author, argues that lower back pain is rarely due to one single injury. Rather, back pain can be caused by, or compounded by, a series of different events and habits. In fact, some seemingly innocent activities might be causing your back pain.

Because lower back pain is traditionally caused by daily activities, habits, and movements, correcting those things may help to alleviate the pain. We’ve collected 12 common activities and habits (or lack thereof) that may be causing or worsening your back pain. We’ll also include some quick fixes that could help you find relief.

1. You sit at a desk all day.

The Cause: Sitting may seem comfortable, but doctors warn that sitting puts more pressure on the spine than standing, which can hurt your back. When you consider the fact that workers spend more time than ever before sitting at a desk, it would stand to reason that back pain is becoming more and more common. 

The Fix: When you are sitting at your desk, be mindful of your posture. Doctors suggest sitting at a 135-degree angle. This angle, which is slightly reclined, will reduce the pressure on your spine. While it’s not an angle you’ll be able to achieve at all times, experts suggest sitting back when you take a phone call or when you are reading a report. Even small breaks from being hunched over can be helpful to the spine.

2. You spend a lot of time in the car.

The Cause: Similar in nature to the desk issue, long commutes in the car can also cause lower back pain. When you sit to drive, your chest muscles tighten and your shoulders round. Many people find themselves slumping forward, almost in a subconscious, aggressive position when driving. This position can hurt your back in the long run. 

The Fix: While cutting down on your commute would be one way to fix this problem, that likely isn’t an option. Doctors suggest you can get some relief by keeping your posture in mind when driving. Sit at a 90-degree angle when driving.

3. You don’t hit the gym enough.

The Cause: When you are in pain, the last thing you want to do is head to the gym, but there are some benefits to being active, even with back pain. It’s important to simply not overdo or exercise in a way that exacerbates your back pain. New research suggests that people ease up on physical activity when back pain strikes, but that reaction might actually make their condition worse.

The Fix: Get in the gym or try and fit an activity plan into your day, even if you hurt your back. Doctors suggest even frequent walks can help back pain, and it will help to abolish the stiffness that is commonly felt in those with lower back problems. Being active can also help you shed extra weight, which might exacerbate the pain. Aquatic exercise is also good as being in the water helps relieve a lot of the physical stress that exercises put on your back.

4. You think yoga isn’t as effective as other forms of exercise.

The Cause: Yoga has several health benefits, but many people think yoga is reserved for people who are into the “new age” movement. That simply isn’t the case. Yoga is a great exercise for those suffering from pain, and getting involved will help you build stronger core muscles that will help support your spine. Even when you hurt your back, you’ll recover quicker.

The Fix: Get involved in a yoga class, whether at your local gym, the YMCA, or at a private studio. You can speak with the instructor beforehand and describe your back pain so they know where you are working from and how they can best accommodate your needs. Remember to check with your doctor before you begin any new exercise regime, though.

5. You’re doing too many crunches, or you are doing them all wrong.

The Cause: A strong core protects your back. However, if you are doing crunches improperly, you may be doing more harm than good. Doctors suggest that traditional sit-ups and crunches are notoriously difficult to complete with proper form. An improper form can put further strain on an already strained back. If you hurt your back by doing sit-ups, continuing can cause more damage. 

The Fix: If you are truly dedicated to your ab workout, simply slow it down and be mindful of your form during each crunch. Proper form can make all the difference in the world. If you aren’t committed to crunches, you can ditch them entirely for different abdominal workouts. Planks, for example, are easier to execute and might actually be more effective in strengthening the core and banishing belly fat. They may also offer relief if you hurt your back recently by helping you build the muscles you need to support your body. 

6. Your diet is seriously lacking.

The Cause: The people who eat best generally have less back pain. Your weight and your heart health can play into how your back feels, too. When the blood flow to your coronary artery is blocked, it can lead to pressure, which can cause pain that radiates to the back..

The Fix: Get on a health kick and focus on eating foods that naturally reduce inflammation. The avoidance of caffeine, processed foods, and preservatives and additives can make your back feel better relatively quickly. Experts suggest a diet that is higher in whole grains, soy, lean protein and vegetables for those looking to get their back, well, back on track.

7. You’re carrying too much excess baggage.

The Cause: Heavy bags, whether they are tote bags or backpacks, might be the cause of your back pain. According to experts, handbags are especially bad because the weight is not evenly distributed, and the body automatically attempts to right that by lifting the shoulder carrying the bag. The natural compensation your body executes can actually hurt your back. 

The Fix: While not carrying a handbag is probably your best option, that probably isn’t feasible. To alleviate pain from carrying a handbag try and keep it as light as possible, or switch to a backpack that evenly distributes weight across your back. Make sure your bag weighs less than 10% of your body weight, so if you weigh 100lbs, your bag should be no more than 10 pounds. Doctors also suggest switching back and forth between shoulders periodically, too. This will help the spine stay in proper form.

8. Your mattress has seen better days.

The Cause: Mattresses generally have a life of about 10 years, according to Sealy, but doctors suggest replacing your mattress around the five-year mark. Over time, a mattress will degrade and change from constant use. This can cause pressure points to develop, and that can cause back pain. A bad mattress may hurt your back or exacerbate existing back pain.

The Fix: Replace your mattress if you haven’t done so in years. You’ll want to aim for a “middle-of-the-road” mattress. That is, one that isn’t too hard or too soft. Those who sleep with a pillow between or under the knees can help relieve back pain, too. If you sleep on your stomach, you should tuck a pillow under your stomach and hips to alleviate pressure on the back.

9. You aren’t wearing proper footwear.

The Cause: Flip-flops and high heels do nothing to stabilize the foot. As you walk, your feet are not stable. This can lead to back pain as your back attempts to compensate for the instability in the foot. To add insult to injury, heels also force the back to arch and cause the muscles around your back to work harder to stabilize your body. High heels can hurt your back if you wear them for an extended period of time. Flip-flops can cause pain as well. 

Fix it: Instead of wearing high heels all day long, consider only wearing them in the office or out to dinner. Doctors advise patients not to walk long distances in heels or flip-flops. If you love the look of heels, consider using flats for commuting needs, then switch into your favorite stilettos when you get to your desired location.

10. You try to walk it off.

The Cause: When you attempt to ignore the pain and walk it off, your back will tighten more in an attempt to stabilize and help you move past it.

The Fix: Acknowledge the pain and learn to work with it. It sounds strange, but acknowledging that you are in pain can actually help you accept it and relax quicker.  

11. You don’t know how to relax.

The Cause: People who are stressed out don’t relax as much as those who are not stressed. When you are stressed, whether about work, an overbooked schedule, or the state of your finances, your body instinctively clenches. 

The Fix: Set some time aside each evening to just veg out and relax. You can also consider massage therapy if that is up your alley to alleviate the tense muscles. Spend some time each night writing down your feelings, listening to music, and relaxing. When you let go of the stress mentally, your body will let go of the stress, too.

12. You’re a TV addict.

The Cause: When you sit in front of a television or computer, your back is naturally flexed. If you stay in this position for too long, your back will become sore and stiff.

Fix it: Turn off the TV for a bit and get active. Try to limit your viewing to your absolute favorite shows and use the commercial breaks as a time for a quick walk around the house. This will elevate the pressure on your back, and you can spend your newfound time getting some exercise or partaking in a different, less pain-inducing activity.

Contact the Illinois Back Institute For Help Alleviating Your Back Pain and Curbing Your Worst Back Habits

Common misconceptions and bad habits can unknowingly lead to causing back pain. The Illinois Back Institute offers a variety of treatment options to help avoid intrusive procedures, such as surgery, and allow you to regain freedom from pain. For more information and to take the first step toward regaining your health, contact us today.